Is Hagia Sophis Now a Mosque and Can non Muslims Go To Hagia Sophia?

Welcome to Istanbul, the city that bridges two continents and is home to countless gems waiting to be explored! In this guide, I have answered “10 Most Common Questions About Hagia Sophia”. All the questions are organic that I am facing daily as a Professional tour guide. Hagia Sophia is converted into a mosque on…


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Hagia Sophia Cover 2

Welcome to Istanbul, the city that bridges two continents and is home to countless gems waiting to be explored! In this guide, I have answered “10 Most Common Questions About Hagia Sophia”. All the questions are organic that I am facing daily as a Professional tour guide.

Hagia Sophia is converted into a mosque on July 24th, 2020. Although it doesn’t meaning non muslim visitors are not allowed, people are looking for the true answer. “There is no restriction for non muslims. They are being expected with open arms.” Since the conversation, hundreds of pages have been released on the Web. Here’s top 10 question I’m having about Hagia Sophia as @atourguideinconstantinople.

Let’s go into a little more detail and take you a couple steps further than the other visitors of the stunning Hagia Sophia.

Everything About The Name Of Hagia Sophia Answered

  • What Does The Name Of Hagia Sophia Mean?

“Hagia” means “Holy, Sacred or Divine”. Although it’s mostly referred to as “St. (Saint)”, it isn’t correct. Because the title of “Saint” is generally used or accepted to use in someone. ( 1- a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and typically regarded as being in heaven after death. “a place dedicated to a seventh-century saint” 2- informal; a very virtuous, kind, or patient person. “she’s a saint to go on living with that man” Definitions from Oxford Languages)

“Sophia” does not stand for female names. The meaning is “Awareness, Knowledge or Wisdom (commonly accepted)”. The Word originated from “philosophy”. 

  • How Do You Pronounce Hagia Sophia in Turkish?

Hagia Sophia’s name is not Turkish. The name of the building was kept as original. Today’s Turkish pronunciation sounds “I” + “A (It should sound like the beginning of the ask Word except s and k letters)”. So “G” is silent on pronunciation. “Sophia” sounds exactly the same as the name.  

  • What Is The Hagia Sophia Called Today?

Since the year structured (537 AD), Hagia Sophia has been called with the same name for 1486 years. Interestingly, the name of the city was once called “Konstantiniyye” under the reign of the Ottomans. It was meaning “Constantinople”, Constantine’s City (Polis).

  • Who Named The Hagia Sophia And Why?

The name of Hagia Sophia is widely accepted as anonymous. There were and still are several buildings named Hagia Sophia. Technically the building was named by Justinian the 1st who gave the construction order almost 15 centuries before from today. Although there used to be 2 churches even in the exact location of Hagia Sophia defined as the same name. 

What Should You Know About Tickets, Enterance Of The Hagia Sophia in 2023

  • What Is The Ticket Price of Hagia Sophia?

It’s 0 “ZERO” in US Dollar, Turkish Lira or Euro. Since the status of the building has changed as a mosque (It will be 3 years on July 24th, 2023), the building is FREE. So no need for entrance fee and there’s no museum anymore.

  • How Many People Can Hagia Sophia Hold?

Physical buildings can hold thousands of people at the time but it’s thoroughly different in practice. As a Professional tour guide, I have been experiencing the building for many years. Today the average number accepted is 2000 people each time. There’s a 20 % chance of mistakes on numbering people at the entrance from cameras. When the number reaches 2400 visitors, authorities are shutting the building down for almost 30 minutes (Sometimes more). That’s why “How to visit Hagia Sophia ” article is highly recommended to all of my guests.

  • Is It Possible To Pray at Hagia Sophia?

Yes, that is possible. During the prayers, people are allowed to get in front of the building however there’s no divicion on the entrance between visitors and prayers. In order to get inside, you have to follow the line at the entrance of the building. My Professional suggestion is read the article above and get at least 2 hours earlier to Hagia Sophia. If you get earlier than you were expecting, you might want to wander around and complete your prayers afterwards. 

  • Can We Skip The Lines Of The Hagia Sophia?

The answer is unfortunately “NO”.  The online platforms are promising this impossible task will be mad at me for doing this. There’s no way to cut that line legally. As a tour guide, I have responsibilities to keep you away from these types of matters. Do not trust these Websites in this subject. You deserve the ethical and the only true answer.

How Many Years Did It Take To Built Hagia Sophia

Visiting the Hagia Sophia without any insider is a gaint miss. Especially with the support of technology, common assumptions are usually misleading the travellers. Most of the online contents are encouraging for self visitories. When people have been reading sourceless ocean on the Web, they always fail to get the true depth of the building. It took only 5 years to build. And does the story end there? – Absolutely No!

There must be a practical and Professional approach to explain such a building which has a complex history. That’s the reason why I am always beginning from zero and moving on to the ultimate level of knowledge.

My tours at Hagia Sophia are rich in content, constantly getting better since I’m studying history and always hits the spot without a miss. I do not spare any stories behind the back of my mind. Because every tour carries my signature and craftsmanship. Ability of true analysis comes with only deep knowledge. Generally between 45 minutes to 1 hour, I’m covering the crucial details, interesting facts, all timelines, the things you should not miss about Hagia Sophia. And last but not least, I’m always giving some time to my guests that I call “Ask Me Session” at the end of every tour of mine.

Having a local tour guide provides numerous benefits when exploring a new destination like Istanbul. Furthermore, for Hagia Sophia, it is essential to have some Professional help. I believe you have learnt so many things in this article already. But it doesn’t mean you can deal with 15 centuries of history on your own. Imagine you are walking into a hospital without any doctor in it.

Do You Need Tour Guide

As a tour guide, sharing fascinating anecdotes and insider tips, taking my guests on a journey beyond the surface-level attractions and most importantly while having fun, I keep them accompanied along the way. With my guidance, you can discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations that you may have otherwise missed.

I have always cared for  the needs of my guests. Therefore it’s my duty to defend your interests. Being actively on the field for many years brought me above a certain level of knowledge. I have already faced and dealt with the issues you can possibly come across with. I also did absorb the history of the building to create and prove my difference. The travellers who trusted me, received my full support and hospitality. In addition to setting their goals in the city where I was born, I did also shed light to show the ways of managing their time in the most efficient ways. Use my experience in order to feel confident as if it’s your own city!

All you have to do is texting these words;

I need a tour guide

Oğulcan ÖZDİL, Founder & Professional Tour Guide